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Currently available to buy/rent via streaming on VimeoOTT
Coming soon to AppleTV, Amazon, Google Play and DVD.
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A percentage of all sales goes to support the Orthodox Diocese of Alaska.

The streaming version is for personal, home use only.
To schedule a public event screening, please reach out at simon@sacredalaskafilm.com for more details.

“Sacred Alaska weaves history, faith, and landscape into a living tapestry, revealing a rare and enduring treasure amidst the noise of the modern world.”
– Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America

“This production, filmed with an eye of devotion, brims with breath-taking beauty and the wisdom which whispers through the winter winds of Alaska’s wise-men, and is a must see.”
– Abbot Silouan, The Monastery of the Holy Archangel Michael


Simon Scionka


Silas Karbo


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a story of adventure, faith and sacrifice

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